عزيزي الزائر / عزيزتي الزائرة يرجي التكرم بتسجبل الدخول اذا كنت عضو معنا
او التسجيل ان لم تكن عضو وترغب في الانضمام الي اسرة المنتدي
سنتشرف بتسجيلك

شكرا مع تحيات

ادارة مــنــتـــديات شو فيرى ميكس

عزيزي الزائر / عزيزتي الزائرة يرجي التكرم بتسجبل الدخول اذا كنت عضو معنا
او التسجيل ان لم تكن عضو وترغب في الانضمام الي اسرة المنتدي
سنتشرف بتسجيلك

شكرا مع تحيات

ادارة مــنــتـــديات شو فيرى ميكس

هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

مرحبا بك يا زائر فى منتديات شو فيرى ميكس
الرئيسيةالمجلةأحدث الصورضع التسجيلدخولالتسجيل


 The Fray - The Fray - Full Album 2009

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير عام منتدديات ™¤!¦AdMiNiStRaToR¦!¤™
مدير عام منتدديات ™¤!¦AdMiNiStRaToR¦!¤™

عدد الرسائل : 5392
العمر : 36
الوظيفة : قاعد على نت 24 ساعة بدون توقف
الدولة : اسكندرية العجمى الهانوفيل
نقاط : 300783

The Fray - The Fray - Full Album 2009 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: The Fray - The Fray - Full Album 2009   The Fray - The Fray - Full Album 2009 Emptyالأحد مارس 29, 2009 5:36 am

The Fray - The Fray - Full Album 2009 Thefrayst2


1. Syndicate

Halfway around the world
Lies the one thing that you want
Buried in the ground, hundreds of miles down
First thing that arises in your mind while you awake
Bending you til you break
Let me hold you now

Baby close your eyes
Don't open til the morning light
Baby don't forget
You haven't lost it all yet

Don't know what your made of
Til the one thing that you want
To come in with the dawn and suddenly changes
Monday, syndicate me, its everyone the same
But all we've lost to the flame
Listen to me now

Baby close your eyes
Don't open til the morning light
Don't ever forget
We haven't lost it all yet
All we know for sure
Is all that we are fighting for
Baby don't forget
We haven't lost it all yet

Someday when this is over
We mix it up, no answer
For now its when I hold her
We are closer, we are closer
We are closer, we are closer

Baby close your eyes
Don't open til the morning light
Don't ever forget
We haven't lost it all yet
And all we know for sure
Is all that we are fighting for
Baby don't forget
We haven't lost it all yet

We are closer
we are closer
(We haven't lost it all yet)
Now we are closer
(We haven't lost it all yet)
We are closer


2. Absolute

I've seen this one before, the girl she gets away
Everybody knows it but no one tries to stop it
Cause she barely even knows him but if she could see inside
Everything is quiet as she waits to tell him who she is

Is this all we get to be absolute

Quiet but I'm sure there is something here
Tell me everything cause I want to hear

It's a kiss sits upon on her lips that waits for planes and battle ships
She wants to be a dancer and he has got a picture
On his wall and it's a sailor in a new port every night
Yet man was born to trouble like sparks fly upwards innocent

Is this all we get to be absolute

Quiet but I'm sure there is something here
Tell me everything cause I want to hear

All we are and all we want
40 years come and gone
All we are in photographs
Will never be taken

Quiet but I'm sure there is something here
Tell me everything cause I want you here
Quiet but I'm sure there is something here
Tell me everything cause I want to hear


3. You Found Me

I found God
On the corner of First and Amidst
Where the west
Was all but won
All alone
Smoking his last cigarette
I said, Where you been?
He said, Ask anything.

Where were you
When everything was falling apart?
All my days
Were spent by the telephone
That never rang
And all I needed was a call
It never came
To the corner of First and Amidst

Lost and insecure
You found me, you found me
Lying on the floor
Surrounded, surrounded
Why'd you have to wait?
Where were you, where were you?
Just a little late
You found me, You found me

In the end
Everyone ends up alone
Losing her
The only one who's ever known
Who I am
Who I'm not, and who I want to be
No way to know
How long she will be next to me

Lost and insecure
You found me, you found me
Lying on the floor
Surrounded, surrounded
Why'd you have to wait?
Where were you, where were you?
Just a little late
You found me, You found me

Early morning
The city breaks
I've been calling
For years and years and years and years
And you never left me no messages
You never sent me no letters
You got some kind of nerve
Taking all I want

Lost and insecure
You found me, you found me
Lying on the floor
Where were you, where were you?

Lost and insecure
You found me, you found me
Lying on the floor
Surrounded, surrounded
Why'd you have to wait?
Where were you, where were you?
Just a little late
You found me, You found me

Why'd you have to wait
To find me, to find me?


4. Say When

I see you there, don't know where you come from
Unaware but you're still from someone
Don't Appear to care that I saw you, and I want you
What's your name? Cause I have to know it
You let me in and begin to show it
I'm terrified cause you're headed straight for it, might Get it

Hear the song playin on background
All alone but you're turnin up now
And everyone is risin to meet ya, to greet you
Turn around and you're walkin toward me
I'm breakin down and you're breathin slowly
Say the word and I will be your man, your man, say when

And my own two hands will comfort you tonight, tonight
Say when
And my own two arms will carry you tonight, tonight

Come close and then even closer
We bring it in but we go no further
We're separate two ghosts in one mirror, no mearer
Later on if it turns to chaos, hurricane comin all around us
See the crack, pull it back from the window, you stay low, say when

And my own two hands will comfort you tonight, tonight
Say when
And my own two arms will carry you tonight, tonight

Come across you're lost and broken
You're coming to, but you're slow and waking
You Start to shake, you still haven't spoken, what happened
They're comin back and you just don't know it
and you wanna cry but there's nothin comin
They're gonna push until you give in, say when
Now we're here and it turns to chaos, hurricane comin all around us
They're gonna crack, don't you back from the window, you stay slow
It all began with the man and country
Every plan turns another century around again
And another nation fallen

Maybe god can be on both sides of the gun
never gone, understood why some of us never get it so good, so good
Some are less fortunate than us
All the less we'll go after us
Never stops until we give in, give in, say when

And my own two hands will comfort you tonight, tonight
Say when
And my own two arms will carry you tonight, tonight
say when

And my own two hands will comfort you tonight, tonight...

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The Fray - The Fray - Full Album 2009
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