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 جميع العاب سبورت 2009 فى سى دى واحد Sport 9: The Ultimate PC Collection

اذهب الى الأسفل 
2 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مشرف قسم افلام لاجنيبى ™¤!¦The FlimS ¦!¤™
مشرف قسم افلام لاجنيبى   ™¤!¦The FlimS ¦!¤™

عدد الرسائل : 1572
العمر : 36
الوظيفة : لايوجد
الدولة : مصر& مهندسين
نقاط : 297110

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مُساهمةموضوع: جميع العاب سبورت 2009 فى سى دى واحد Sport 9: The Ultimate PC Collection   جميع العاب سبورت 2009 فى سى دى واحد Sport 9: The Ultimate PC Collection Emptyالإثنين مارس 09, 2009 3:01 am

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Sport 9: The Ultimate PC Collection

Date.........: 2009-03-07
Files........: 1 CD
Company......: Phoenix Games
Language.....: English
Requirements.: Computer, Windows 98/2K/ME/XP/Vista

Arcade USA
Arcade USA is the place to be for fun, so why not head over and enjoy some of the most fun sports ever.
at Arcade USA you can venture into the Air Hockey lounges and compete
against the Arcades to win the title of 'Arcade Champ'. Or you could
try your hand at 10-Pin Bowling over in the other part of the arcade?
Better still, why not aim to be the ultimate champion and win both
Classic games, loads of opponents and lots of fun - all under one roof at Arcade USA!

Crazy Golf
Crazy Golf lets you play the game
like never before - the game comes packed with mini courses filled with
hazards and obstacles that will test your putting skills to the limit.
The custom physics system allows your ball to ricochet, bounce and
bobble with stunning realism. The game is set in three unique
environments; underwater, up in the sky, and finally in outer space.
The aim of the game is to win all the trophies. To succeed you will
need to become a great Crazy Golfer, and beat the target scores
throughout the game. Only the very greatest players will be able to win
all the Gold Trophies.

Downhill Slalom
ready to pit your skiing skills against the very best, spread across
three death-defying downhill slopes, in order to become the best in
each discipline to earn the coveted title of Downhill Slalom Resort
In Downhill Slalom, you will take part in three exciting
race modes. You will need good timing to complete the Slalom courses,
outrageous jump moves to come first in Token Dash and be able to pick
the best racing line to beat the competition in the all out Sprint mode.
grab your skis, jump on to the ski lift and get ready to battle it out
on the snow covered slopes against the elite skiers of Downhill Slalom!

Extreme Sprint 3010
Sprint 3010 takes place in post-apocalyptic Earth. In 3010, a
totalitarian government trying to hold the full power in its hands
introduces the new violent Extreme Sprints. The player will have to
complete 16 sprints in 16 different arenas created in 4 different
worlds to become a winner.
There are 3 play-modes: Quick Sprint,
Regional Tournament and World Tournament. There are 16 Stadiums
loacated in 4 unique worlds that are logically divided into four of
Earth's regions: wealthy, moderately developed, poorly developed, and
wasteland. Each region has its own attributes that are unique to them.

Olympic Challenge
against your friends or the computer in the following events: 100m
hurdles / high jump / shot put / 200m dash / long jump / javelin throw
/ 800 meter dash.

Pool game.

Snooker 147
Snooker game.

Snow Rider
The snow is falling, the boards are waxed and the slopes are ready - can you become the number one Snow Rider!
part in 3 exciting game modes, spread across 3 downhill slopes. Can you
win the Championship in each mode? And earn yourself the coveted title
of Resort Champion?

NOTE: Manual available in these languages: ENG, FRA, GER, ITA, SPA and POR.

Installation Notes

1. UnRAR
2. Burn the ISO with your favorite software.
3. Install game




Sport 9: The Ultimate PC Collection Fast Download

Sport 9: The Ultimate PC Collection Torrent
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عضو متميز
عضو متميز

عدد الرسائل : 648
العمر : 35
الوظيفة : طالب
الدولة : حلوان
نقاط : 281035

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